A Felt by Clarity Idea…

A Felt by Clarity Idea…

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Enjoying the heat ? Scorchio!!

Did you manage to watch the Felt by Clarity Christmas shows at the weekend? I love that Tree design!

I did show off a little trick using the outer strips of felt, which gave a really neat pattern. Here’s a step by step…

Love this look! Dee did a couple of samples using the same technique.

All the Felt Kits and felt packs etc are available HERE

TIme to call it a day. Love to all.

Barb x x x

PS I will send the BEE card from last week’s craftalong out at the weekend, when I remember what I said! And Helen, I still have your bowl. Will send next week. I have a list going… 😍

7 thoughts on “A Felt by Clarity Idea…

  1. Loved this patchwork look, I’ve yet to open my Felt by Clarity kits, the same as my stitch kit but will go back through Paul’s class when I do ! I forgot we had to prick them – I did a lot of that with Groovi yesterday. Any chance Dave can find a pricking machine – only joking 😹

  2. I have just come outside to sit in the garden with a cup of coffee after a lovely craft along with Paul and Grace. I was so engrossed with what I was doing I missed the intruder 😂 but nice to know that Grace was on the ball and sorted them out. Only problem with cavity wall insulation is that it is great in the winter for keeping the heat in but not so good in the summer so I am hoping upstairs has cooled down somewhat before we go to bed. Love the patchwork with the felt which would work equally as well with all those slivers of designer papers that I refuse to throw away xx

  3. I had a email today to say the felt kit I ordered had been despatched, looking forward to having a play with the patchwork look as well as the kit itself. xx

  4. Felt patchwork – I do the same with Clarity Designer paper. Too good to waste.
    I have a lot of programmes to watch still. Craft room is much too hot at the moment,
    Take care.

  5. Hello Barb, I loved this demo, and such a great idea using up any scraps. Love the different colours between yours and Dee’s projects totally different effects. Bx

  6. This is a very clever concept so I’m disappointed that the C&C shows didn’t record in full apart from 1. Don’t understand why I only got between 2 and 17 minutes for the others.
    Fortunately I did get to watch Dee perform her magic at the Open Days.

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